Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Prairie Onion-Allium stellatum

Bloom- Prairie Onion
From chive-like blades of grass the Prairie Onion sends up clusters of starry-like flowers up to two feet. The globes bloom from pink to purple in late summer attracting a variety of pollinators.

Great for rock gardens or among less aggressive plants and they can take a little shade.

Also Know as:

Wild Onion

Other Benefits:

Deer Resistant

Other Uses:

Early explorers ate them. Most are edible and have a strong onion like smell 

Winter Interest


Please remember to not pick flowers, gather seeds or dig plants without permission from any land owner. It is not allowed on any state or federal properties, so everyone (people and animals) can benefit and enjoy these amazing plants.

More Information: wisflora.herbarium.wisc.edu

Fall Interest

Early Spring

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